When you need assistance with something, you go to the most trustworthy person you know for help. Should you not do the same when you need to bail a friend out of jail? Kings County Bail Bond Store has been helping Californians bail their loved ones out of jail since 1987, making us experts at bail bonds.
At Kings County Bail Bond Store, our bail bondsmen have knowledge and experience that they have gathered from years of helping people. With this expertise, our bail agents will help you get your loved one out of jail in as little as 2 hours, depending on the county of his or her arrest. Other bail bond companies will waste your time, but we make the most of your time.
As soon as you call, we begin the process of bailing your friend or family member out of jail right away. Just give us your friend’s name, his or her birthday, and the county where he or she was arrested, we will do the rest for you. We work tirelessly to ensure that your loved one is released from jail in a timely manner.
Call Kings County Bail Bond Store now at 559-237-1054 to start the bail process with a FREE consultation.
We Will Take Care Of You At Kings County Bail Bond Store
Unlike our competitors who will surprise you with hidden fees to try to make more money, Kings County Bail Bond Store will never ever do that. We never use dirty and underhanded tactics to try to make more money off our clients. You can trust us to be upfront about the total cost of the bail bond and that the price we tell you, is the price you will pay.
We will work with you to create a personalized payment plan that works with your budget. This way, you can afford to bail your friend or family member out of jail without needing to empty your bank account. Call now and speak to one of our friendly bail agents, ask them about cheap bail bonds we offer. Consultation is always FREE, so you have nothing to lose.
Kings County Bail Bond Store has been helping people bail their friends or family members out of jail for nearly 30 years and we have found that the best policy is to be honest and helpful. This gives our clients the best bail service in all of California. When our clients and their bailed out loved ones are happy, we are happy.