To anyone not used to dealing with bail, which is usually everyone, bail bond prices can seem pretty random. However, the way the price of a bail bond is determined is really simple. In the state of California, a bail bond will always be 10% of the person’s bail.
Bail itself, on the other hand, is a little more complicated than that. When someone is arrested, they usually have an arraignment hearing where a judge determines how much that person’s bail will be. To determine this, the judge will look at the defendant’s criminal history, his or her standing within the community, as well as the accused crime. All of those variants will play a factor in determining the price of the bail. The judge may be inclined to be a little lenient with a first time offender, or someone who has good standing within the community.
If you have a loved one who has been arrested and you want to bail him or her out of jail, contact Fresno Bail Bond Store either online or by phone at 559-237-1054 to get affordable bail bonds. We offer flexible payment plans that are customized based on your financial situation. Learn more by talking to one of our helpful bail agents and get your FREE consultation. Ask any questions you may have, so they can explain it clearly to you. Don’t forget to ask about our no down payment bail bonds and discounts we offer to see if it applies to you. They will be more than happy to answer all your inquiries. We are open 24/7 for your convenience, so call us anytime! We will be here for you.