Author Archives: spiralmode

Can Helping Someone Get You Into Trouble?


When it comes to friends and family, most people will do whatever they can to help out their loved ones. If someone that they care about is in trouble, they will not rest until they have helped get their loved one out of trouble. This is how a family is supposed to work in most […]

What’s the Difference between GTA and Joyriding?


What’s the Difference between GTA and Joyriding? A home is probably the most important thing that a person can own. Right behind that is a car. Having a vehicle allows a person to travel easily and efficiently. With a car, a person can run errands and go to work to earn money for all of […]

What Is Disorderly Conduct?


When it comes to laws, there are plenty of terms that people hear regularly. Despite that, some of the terms are a bit unclear for people. Take for instance disorderly conduct. What exactly does that term mean? What counts as disorderly conduct? Disorderly conduct is a broad term that covers a variety of different acts […]

What Is Solicitation?


What Is Solicitation? There are things out there that some people might want to do, but can’t because it is illegal. For most people, that is enough for them to let the idea go altogether. However, some people still want to do whatever illegal thing it was that they were thinking of, and they might […]

Transporting Marijuana in California


Transporting Marijuana in California Nearly four years ago, Californians voted to legalize the recreational use of marijuana in the state. That law went into effect in 2018 and as such, there is still some confusion about what is and isn’t legal when it comes to marijuana in the state of California. People are still unsure […]

Is Blackmailing Illegal in California?


Is Blackmailing Illegal in California? Blackmailing is never fun, especially when you are at the receiving end of it. The trope of someone finding some secret of another person and then using it to get the victim to do whatever they say shows up a lot in fiction. Unfortunately, it is present in the real […]

Is There a Difference Between These 3 Crimes


When it comes to the criminal legal system, there is a lot that the general public may be misinformed on, and it’s understandable. California has thousands of complex laws and ordinances filled with cryptic language known as legalese that contribute to misconceptions. A common misconception is that theft, burglary, and robbery are all the same […]

Protester’s Rights


Protester’s Rights? One of the great things about living here in the United States is that people can always speak their mind. The First Amendment to the Constitution grants every US citizen the right to freedom of speech and peacefully protest. This way, if someone doesn’t like something that is going on in the world, […]

US Counterfeiting Laws


Money is a very precious resource that everyone spends a lot of time trying to get. After all, this is why everyone goes to work five days a week. It is safe to assume that if people weren’t getting paid, then they wouldn’t go to work. That being said, money isn’t easy to get, but […]

California Labor Laws That Employees Should Know About


California Labor Laws That Employees Should Know About Most people work their butts off to make the money that they do. They need it to pay for groceries, gas, bills, and anything else they might want to purchase. Money is a precious commodity that everyone is always trying to get more of. Some people get […]