Category Archives: Fresno Bail Bonds

How To React To Cyberbully


Bullying has always been a massive problem, but in many cases, once you made it to your home, you got a respite from your bully. The internet changed that. A cyberbully has access to you 24/7. If you’ve attracted the attention of a cyberbully, there are a few things you should do. Ignore the Bully […]

What Happens When You Fail to Pay Parking Tickets


Parking tickets are a royal pain. The second you see the little slip of paper on your windshield, you know your weekly budget is about to take a hit. Considering how tight money is these days, it’s perfectly natural to wonder what would happen if you simply threw the parking ticket in the trash and […]

California’s Stay at Home Curfew


There isn’t a single person whose life hasn’t been disrupted by the pandemic. We’re required to wear masks, we pay for massive amounts of hand sanitizer, we keep an eagle eye on our cleaning supplies and stock up as soon as we think they’re getting even a little low. Now, the governor has issued a […]

Robbery in California


What is Civil Theft


Theft is taking something that’s not yours. If someone steals something that is yours, the police can arrest them and they’ll likely be found guilty in court. It seems straightforward, but sometimes it isn’t. Sometimes you run into a situation called civil theft. What is Civil Theft? Civil theft is a complicated issue. At this […]

Aggravated Mayhem in California


Aggravated mayhem might sound like it’s shenanigans that get out of hand, but that’s not the reality. According to California law, aggravated mayhem is, “intentionally causing someone a permanent disability or disfigurement, or to deprive the person of a limb, organ or member of the body.” A charge of aggravated mayhem in California is similar […]

The Consequences of Contracting Without a Proper License


The State of California doesn’t mind you offering to help repair your neighbor’s garage in exchange for pizza. However, if you start accepting money for the repair work and turn it into a business, the state expects you to cut through all the red tape and acquire a proper license. Failing to do results in […]

Drunk Driving in California During the Thanksgiving Holiday


There are certain days when the police become extremely concerned about drunk drivers. Thanksgiving is one such holiday. If you’re on the road during Thanksgiving weekend, don’t be surprised if you see more police patrolling the streets than what you would normally expect. Why Police are Concerned about Drunk Driving in California During Thanksgiving California […]

What Happens When you Bounce a Check in California


We all make mistakes. One of the mistakes that many of us have made at one time or another is not checking our account before writing a check. As a result, the check bounces and you face a series of problems. The good news is that in most cases, the consequences of writing a bad […]

Crimes of Passion


There is something about the term “crime of passion” that causes many of us to think about romance and true love. The reality is that crimes of passion are not about showering a loved one with flowers and chocolate. Victims of crimes of passion will tell you that they are actually terrifying, life-altering acts that […]