Category Archives: Fresno Bail Bonds

The Truth About Criminal Threats

Criminal Threats

Threats are a part of life, a knee jerk reaction to anger, hurt feelings, and fear. Most people make threats without any intention of ever carrying them out. However, in this current world where school shootings and other heinous acts seem to be a weekly occurrence, people and members of the law enforcement community are […]

Keeping Cool In The Peak Of Summer

Keeping Cool In The Peak Of Summer

As the summer heat begins to grip the state of California, keeping cool is at the forefront of everyone’s minds. We all want to get out of the sun and find a nice air conditioned place to hide out. Luckily, California has plenty of options when it comes to keeping cool, you just need to […]

The Call You Never Want To Make

The Call You Never Want To Make

Whenever you have to call 911, it’s never a good thing. No one ever calls 911 to celebrate a victory. When you call 911, it’s usually because things have taken a turn for the worst and the situation is out of your control. When you dial 911, you aren’t just calling the police. You’re calling […]

Passing Blame From Generation To Generation

The term fake news has been used a lot over the past four years. The good news is that hearing the term so often has made people stop and think about how much we take news stories for granted. Today, more than ever, we have come to understand that even the most trusted news sources have an agenda and that they understand how to work an angle. You’ll be happy to know that there are some things you can do to protect yourself from fake news. Don’t Rely on a Single Source The more versions of a news story you read/watch/listen to, the more similarities you’ll pick out. These little commonalities are the kernels of truth. Pay attention to them and you’ll eventually get to the real story. Check the Sources The best way to protect yourself from fake news is by paying careful attention to the sources provided. This doesn’t mean looking at which new anchor is presenting a story (though that’s also a good idea) but looking at how that new anchor got the story. Did it come from someone who was in the middle of a situation, or was it from a second, third, or fourth source? Double Check Quotes Many people mistakenly think that just because a news story includes quotes, that the story must be relevant. Taking quotes out of context or only sharing a portion of what the person said can completely alter the tone of a news story. If a quote feels off or seems manipulative, it’s a good idea to find the entire interview and read the quote for yourself. You’ll be surprised how often seeing the comments in their entirety completely changes the news story. Do Your Own Research Don’t take any news story at face value. Learning how to do your research is one of the best ways to protect yourself from fake news. Research doesn’t mean turning to your social media accounts. Most of what you see on social media isn’t news, but rather people’s responses to fake news. Try to find out the origins of the story, who was responsible for publishing it, and check to see which people are involved. The more time you dedicate to researching a news story, the greater the odds are that you’ll eventually find the truth. The great thing about learning how to protect yourself from fake news is that it doesn’t take long before you start to recognize

How many times have you’ve heard the saying, “Back in my day…” Every time those words come out of someone’s mouth, a pair of eyes roll at the same time. What is happening is one generation is comparing their life experiences to another’s generation. Though people might not intend to be negative or condescending, people […]

Did You Know About This Forgotten Right?

Did You Know About This Forgotten Right?

Many people are familiar with the First and Second Amendment to the US Constitution. However, this is like only reading the first paragraph of a book and saying you understand everything in between. We do this a lot in today’s society. We look for articles with catchy headlines and graze over them hoping to gain […]

Parole vs. Probation

Parole vs. Probation

There are many terms out there that most people mix up. Often times, these terms are closely related and describe similar, yet different, things. The terms are often used so closely together that people begin to assume they mean the same thing. A good example of this would the difference between parole and probation. Just […]

What To Know About California & Its Strict Gun Laws

California Gun Control Laws

California is known for a lot of things. Shiny cars, hundreds of stars, and wild beaches, just to name a few of things. Recently, California has become known for one other thing that is catching the rest of the nation’s eye: gun control. Not just gun control, but for strict gun laws. Recent changes in […]

Vaping In California: What You Need To Know

Vaping In California: What You Need To Know

Smoking tobacco has always been a pretty big hobby. Lately, however, it has been facing unexpected competition. This has come in the form of electronic cigarettes. When a person uses an e-cig, they are inhaling water vapor with different additives, rather than inhaling tobacco smoke. While vaping is a slightly healthier option than smoking, it […]

Did You Think California’s Water Problems Were Over?

Did You Think California’s Water Problems Were Over?

Californians love their water. They love their coasts and their rolling green mountains. They love the wildlife and wildflowers that come out in the spring. When the weather starts warming up, the moisture starts evaporating. Plants die out, and the green turns to brown. It’s at this point we start wondering, are we in a […]

Using GPS In California Could Result In Legal Trouble

Adams bail bonds what do

Very few of us even carry a map in the car with us. Why would we when GPS is so much more accurate and gives us directions while we actually drive. As wonderful as GPS devices are, if you’re driving in California and using one, you need to be careful. Like most states, California has […]