Category Archives: Madera Bail Bonds

How You Might Be Able To Lower Bail For Your Loved One

Madera Bail Bonds

Did you know that you can help lower your loved one’s bail amount from say, $90,000 to $9,000? That is a 90% decrease and the way this can happen is if you consult with Madera Bail Bond Store. Our bail bonds are much more affordable and flexible than cash bail. They cost 10% of the […]

Can Defendants Travel While Out On Bail?

Madera Bail Bonds

One of the more common concerns with bail bond release terms is whether or not the defendant is allowed to travel while out on bail. The answer can vary from defendant to defendant, and depends on the situation. Here are some examples: Jane, out on bail, has no travel restrictions. This means she is allowed […]

Roadblock In New Year Resolutions? Madera Bail Bond Store Is The Solution!

Madera Bail Bonds

January has passed and it is time we check in on those New Year Resolutions of yours. How do you think you are doing? We know you are trying to kick your bad habits while also helping loved ones of yours get rid of theirs. Are you making progress, achieving success, or facing mishaps? It […]

When Search Warrants Are And Are Not Warranted

Madera Bail Bonds

A search warrant is a court-order that allows the police to search specific property and items. Sometimes the police do not need a warrant, but other times they do. On those other times, the police will want to conduct the search, but not bring a warrant with them because they have yet to obtain it. […]

Madera Bail Bond Store Is Always There For You

Madera Bail Bonds

Some people will never need a bail bond, others may need it once and still, some may need it more. It can be disappointing when people need a bail bond, and it gets worse when they need it more than once. Nonetheless, Madera Bail Bond Store is a professional, reliable, and helpful bail bond company. […]

Friends, Family, And Madera Bail Bond Store = A Combination For Success

Madera Bail Bonds

No doubt, the best people to confide in when you are in a dark place are your parents, followed by your best friends. Going through a rough patch in life is so much harder if you go at it alone. When you have your supportive loved ones with you, overcoming the situation is a lot […]

Why You Should Know CA’s Gun Laws

Fresno Bail Bonds

Would you be surprised if we told you that California has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the United States? Gun control is always a hot subject, and it is one that will never please 100% of the people. The best you can do is educate yourself on the current gun laws in […]

Who Benefits From Bail Bonds?

Fresno Bail Bonds

Believe it or not, the defendant in jail is not the only person who benefits from posting bail with a bail bond. Immediate Family – They get to have their loved one back home. No more jail visits and empty seats at the dinner table. Employers – The defendant can return to work and earning […]

Definition Of A Co-Signer

Fresno Bail Bonds

The role of a co-signer is to provide their legal obligation to be financially responsible for another person’s dues if that person fails to make good on those dues. Having a co-signer for a legal purpose allows more room and flexibility for the first person to make adjustments and meet more ideal goals. For example, […]

Find The Help You Need At Fresno Bail Bond Store

Fresno Bail Bonds

In California, where people are arrested for various crimes, there are plenty of support systems for these people. Not only do defendants have their family and friends rooting for them, but defendants also have lawyers, coworkers, and even bail agents on their side. Fresno Bail Bond Store is one of California’s top bail bond company, […]