Tag Archives: adams bail information

Being An Immigrant In The U.S.

Living as an immigrant (especially an undocumented one) is pretty terrifying, we bet. Every day. But, immigrants do have special rights that protect them, to some degree. And we can’t stress enough how imperative it is to know these rights. You have the right to remain silent. You do not have to discuss your immigration […]

The Secret To Bailing Your Loved One Out Of Jail

The secret to bailing your loved one out of jail really isn’t much of a secret. It just happens to be hidden in plain sight, under common sense, if you will. It’s not about the cost or the crime or the location. It’s about finding the best bail bond company and bail agent that will […]

We Get What You’re Going Through

No, this is not part of our standardized customer service procedures. Our team, our family here at Adams Bail Bonds really does understand what you’re going through. While not all of us (120+ bail agents and representatives) have been in the exact same situations you are in, some of us have. Yep, some of our […]

This Could Happen To Anyone, Including You

There are so many things in life we can prepare for (and that’s great), but there are some things we cannot foresee, such as suddenly needing to bail someone who you love out of jail. Just like we tell ourselves that “I’ll never be one to get into a car accident” or “I won’t be […]

What Is Acceptable Bail Bond Collateral?

A common necessity to secure a bail bond is to get collateral for it. The collateral is pledged, kind of like a ransom, if you will. As long as the defendant goes to court as scheduled, collateral for the bail bond will be returned to the owner. However, if the defendant fails his or her […]

Don’t Give The Police An Excuse To Search You Or Your Car

Even though the police do not have the right to search your vehicle unless they have a warrant, there can be some exceptions. If you look like you’re trying to conceal something from the officer or dispose of it out the window, the officer can conduct a search. This provides the officer with some probable […]

How Bailing Your Loved One Out Of Jail Benefits You

With a loved one behind bars, you’re much more distracted from work, your family at home, and your personal life. You’re stressed and worried about that one loved one. If you get a bail bond to help them get out of jail, you’re not only doing them a tremendous favor, but you’re also doing it […]

Consequences Of Providing Tobacco Products To Minors

It is against the law to sell or provide cigarettes and tobacco to minors in the United States. Just because they “look over 18”, that is not a sufficient excuse. Stores must always ask for identification (and likewise when selling alcohol). Anyone caught selling tobacco products to minors may be subject to fines, possible jail […]

Adams Bail Bonds Is A Top Pick In California

Among the hundreds of bail bond companies in California, Adams Bail Bonds stands out as a top pick. Here’s why, summarized very quickly: Personalized, low monthly rate payment plans that fit your financial needs Charged premium is kept at the lowest percentage possible Zero down Zero interest No hidden fees Financing is available Online chat […]

What Happens If I’m Caught Giving Alcohol To A Minor

It’s no secret that most people drink alcohol before they turn 21. But that doesn’t mean the police just let every person slide. There are serious consequences to those who supply alcohol to minors, and this can definitely include parents, depending on the state law (some states allow minors to drink as long as they’re […]