Tag Archives: cheap bail bnds

Your iPod Or Phone Could Be Worth Millions Of Dollars

Your iPod or phone could be worth millions of dollars, but don’t jump for joy just yet. What we mean is that more than likely, it has hundreds of songs on there that were illegally downloaded and if you are caught, it can cost you a very pricey consequence. Under federal law, offenders can face […]

What You Can Do To Help Reduce Crime Rates

For the first time in over 10 years, crime in Fresno has risen. Violent crime (rape, aggravated assault, etc.) increased 20.6%, property crime increased 10.9%, auto theft increased 13.8%, and burglary increased 15.8%. A factor to this rise is Prop 47 that reduces felonies to misdemeanors for non-violent, non-serious crimes. This is also due to […]