Tag Archives: how to bail with no money

Detecting Early Warning Signs of Heat Stroke


The longer, warmer days inspire all of us to spend more time outdoors. The problem is that the California summer heat quickly climbs. The hotter it gets, the greater the risk of heatstroke. The problem many people discover is that while there are warning signs that they’re starting to overheat, most either ignore these signs […]

Graduation Parties and Minor’s Drinking in California


Finally! It’s graduation season. For many students and parents, this is a day they’ve been waiting for their entire lives. They’re finally putting high school behind themselves once and for all and allowing themselves to focus on the future. If you’re a graduating senior or someone who just likes to hang out with a group […]

Most Dangerous Cities in California 2022


Like most parts of the world, California has some places that are great areas to raise a family. These areas have good schools, solid sources of income, and a low crime rate. The flip side of the coin is that there are also some extremely sketchy parts of California. A quick look at crime in […]

Hitting a Pedestrian in California


California has a reputation as being a great place for pedestrians. The weather makes it possible for pedestrians to walk year-round and the state has done a wonderful job of creating places where pedestrians can stroll without encountering traffic. While pedestrians are invited to enjoy the benefits of walking, it’s important to understand that if […]

Smash n Grab Robberies


A type of robbery that has been dubbed smash n grab has started to plaque the United States, but it has become especially common in California. In November 2021 witnesses became alarmed when they noticed a large group of about 40 to 50 people swarm into a Bay Area mall. Members of the mob were […]

Eavesdropping in California


Eavesdropping is something we’ve all done at some point in our lives. Normally, it involves staying quiet and remaining shrouded in mystery while we listen to someone discuss either ourselves or someone we know. In most cases, eavesdropping is fairly harmless, however, there are some circumstances where your eavesdropping could result in you facing criminal […]

After Hours Alcohol Sales in California


Businesses that have gone through the effort of applying for a California liquor license and who are approved agree to only sell alcohol during the permitted hours. The good news is that there aren’t many times when you’re not allowed to sell alcohol to customers. At this point, the only times California prohibits the sale […]

Vaping in California


Over the past ten or fifteen years, vaping has become extremely popular. There are several reasons for this, including the idea that vaping is cleaner, cheaper, and might be a little safer than smoking. The fact that you can get vapes in interesting flavors that simply aren’t possible with traditional cigarettes is another reason so […]

Gambling in California


When it comes to gambling, California lawmakers want to make sure that they’re involved in it. It’s okay to play state lotteries and to enjoy a night out at the casino. That’s all fine and dandy. What makes California lawmakers grumpy and could result in you facing criminal charges is gambling in the form of: […]

Smoking in Your Car


Strictly speaking, you’re not prohibited from smoking cigarettes or vaping tobacco in your car. That doesn’t mean it’s a great idea. The biggest issue connected to smoking while driving is the risk of you having a distracted moment. Even though it probably only takes you a split second to light your cigarette, that’s a second […]