Tag Archives: no down payment bail bonds in clovis

Finding Out If A Person Has an Arrest Warrant


Whether you’re looking because you’re worried an arrest warrant has been filed against you or because you need to know about a person you’re dealing with, everyone has their own reasons for needing to know how to go about finding out if a person has an arrest warrant. The most common reasons to find out […]

Citizens Push For Tougher Hit & Run Laws

Citizens Push For Tougher Hit & Run Laws

A recent string of hit and run accidents has shaken the Los Angeles community to its core. In April there were four fatal hit and run accidents that are particularly troubling. These accidents took place on the 110 Freeway and were within a three-mile section. The hit and run accidents involved the deaths of one […]

Are Minors Allowed To Have Alcohol Under Parents Supervision?

Can Minors Have Alcohol in California?

Some parents out there who are dealing with minors and drinking tend to take a different approach to the matter. Many parents would flat out ban their children from drinking until they are of legal age to do so. However, some parents prefer to allow their underage children to drink, but only under their supervision. […]

Leaving Your Dog At Home Means You Won’t Face Jail Time

Leaving Your Dog At Home Means You Won’t Face Jail Time

Summer is fast approaching and that means the temperatures will soar. That means it’s time to start rethinking your habit of taking your dog everywhere you go, or if you do decide to take your dog while you’re running errands, you better have a plan for what you’re going to do with them, and that […]

Working A Shorter Work Week

Working A Shorter Work Week

Just about every adult out there is currently enjoying the fun of the average five day work week. You can pretty much guarantee that no matter what day of the week it is, all of the employees are waiting for the weekend. This is because the weekend is when we all get to be in […]

Want To Bail Someone Out Quickly?

Adams Bail Bonds in Clovis

When something bad happens, you want it to be over quickly. You do whatever you can to make things better. When you hear that your friend or family member has been arrested, you spring into action. You want to help your loved one get out of jail as quickly as you can. You do this […]

Who Determines Bail Prices?

Clovis Bail Bonds

Everyone grasps the concept that bail is expensive. While bail bonds can greatly reduce the cost, they still tend to cost a couple thousand dollars. This is the kind of money that most people do not have lying around, waiting to be spent. It makes you wonder, if everyone knows bail is super expensive, why […]

Is Ticket Scalping Legal?

Ticket Scalping Clovis

Ticket scalping is when a person resells their ticket to an event, like a concert or a sporting event, to another person. The purchaser does not buy the ticket directly from the event itself, but rather goes to someone who already owns a ticket to the event, but is looking to get rid of it. […]