Category Archives: Fresno Bail Bonds

Finally… Street Vending Becomes Legal In Los Angeles

Adams Bail Bonds in Fresno

Los Angeles is known for many things: the Dodgers, the Lakers, Hollywood, sunshine, a melting pot of cultures, but it is also known for its less favorable qualities, like being a major U.S. city where street vending is illegal. At long last, those days are no more. The city council of Los Angeles voted unanimously […]

Consequences Of Copyright Infringement

Adams Bail Bonds in Fresno

If you are one to stream music, movies, TV shows, and more creative content online, that in normal circumstances, you would pay for, are you doing it legally or illegally? There are certain sites that are legal, and many others that are illegal. Frankly, it is very easy to tell apart which sites are legal […]

How Long A Person Can Be Detained By The Police

Adams Bail Bonds in Fresno

How long can the police hold a person without charging them? In many states, the police have a 72 hour window. In California, the police are allowed 48 hours to hold or detain a person without charges being made. After 48 hours, if no charges are filed, then the police must release this person. In […]

LA Signs New Directive Order To Protect Its Residents, Regardless Of Immigration Status

Tarpey Bail Bonds

You know how there has been a lot of news and talks lately surrounding the discussion of immigration? Well, there is even more news. Los Angeles police and city employees will not enforce federal immigration laws, as ordered by the new executive directive that Mayor Eric Garcetti just signed. The directive also says that all […]

No Child Left Behind

Selma Bail Bonds

As the weather begins to warm up again here in Southern California, we would like to remind parents that convenience is not always the better option, especially when it comes to your kids. It could be the line that defines whether you are a good or bad parent! For example, you just picked up your […]

Unpaid Parking Tickets Could Be Your Ticket To Jail

Muscatel Bail Bonds

Paying a parking ticket a few days late is one thing, but it is another thing to let a bunch of unpaid parking and traffic violation tickets stack up. If you think the DMV and parking enforcement forgot about your unpaid, overdue parking ticket, you are wrong. They are waiting for you to pay it […]

Don’t Forget: Jaywalking Is Illegal

Herndon Bail Bonds

Jaywalking refers to a pedestrian who violates traffic regulations and crosses the street when it is not their right of way, like when the hand signal is on display for them, but they dash across the street anyway because there are no cars. The term also refers to pedestrians who cross the street outside of […]

Can I Travel If I’m Out On Bail?

Gordon Bail Bonds

If you are ever arrested, rearranging your travel plans will be one of the many things you may need to take care of as soon as possible. We realize that you will have many things to take care of and organize at this point. Prioritizing tasks will be important here, as well as taking help […]

When A Search Warrant Is And Is Not Needed

Highway City Bail Bonds

There are many times the police would need a search warrant to go through a person’s belongings or property, but there are also times where a search and seizure warrant is not needed. This includes: The individual voluntarily consents to a search. Inspection searches like border patrol. Illegal and incriminating items and contraband are in […]

Don’t Forget… Your Parents Will Always Support You

Can You Cut Down Your Own Christmas Tree?

18 is the minimum age to be sent to jail, arrested juveniles are released back to their parents, but there is never a maximum age to which you cannot rely on your parents’ help any longer. Even if in 20 years you are arrested for committing a crime, you can and should call up your […]