Tag Archives: statewide bail bonds

Did You Know There Is A Difference Between Bail And Bail Bonds?

Exeter Bail Bonds

Many people do not realize that there is actually a difference between bail and bail bonds. The difference between the 2 can equal out to a lot of money. Bail is determined by a judge, and it is the amount of money that needs to be paid in order for someone to be released from […]

Why Do You Get Your Money Back For Bail, But Not Bail Bonds?

Farmersville Bail Bonds

Some people who have an understanding of bail and the bail process know that when you pay for someone’s bail, you get the money back after the defendant’s trial is over. Often times, they wonder why they do not get their money back after bailing someone out with a bail bond. The difference is that […]

Do You Know What A Co-Signer Does?

Dinuba Bail Bonds

A co-signer is very important for a bail bond. This person is making a promise that the defendant he or she is bailing out, will go to all assigned court appearances. On top of that, the co-signer is paying for the bail bond, and the payment plan greatly depends on the co-signer’s financial situation. Did […]

Do You Know What The Hardest Part Of Bail Is?

Delano Bail Bonds

Often times, the hardest part of getting a bail bond for people is making the down payment. While bail bonds are 90% cheaper than paying for the bail itself, getting that first payment together can be difficult. In most cases, a couple hundred dollars is still a lot of money for some people. In order […]

Do You Think You Have To Face Bail Alone?

Corcoran Bail Bonds

When you need to bail a loved one out of jail, you actually have options. You can either pay for the expensive bail yourself or you can get help. If you get a bail bond, you will get professional bail help from a trained bail agent. Many people cannot afford the first option, and so […]

How Do I Choose A Bail Agent?

Adams Bail Bonds

Choosing the right bail agent is a very important task, your loved one’s freedom hangs in the balance. So, how do you do it? It is not like they teach you how to do this in school. Luckily, Adams Bail Bonds is here to help you. When looking at a bail agent, you need to […]

How Much Does A Bail Bond Cost In California?

Adams Bail Bonds

Are you looking to bail a friend or family member out of jail, but are worried about the cost? Do not fret, Adams Bail Bonds can help you out. We have been making bail bonds cheap and affordable for Californians for the last 30 years. In California, all bail bonds start out as 10% of […]

What Do I Do When Someone I Care About Is Arrested?

Adams Bail Bonds

When someone you care about has been arrested, you undoubtedly want to help out. This means that you will probably want to bail your loved one out of jail. When it comes to bail, you have 2 options: You can pay a cash bail, which will be the full amount of your loved one’s bail. […]

Be There For Your Loved One

Woodville Bail Bonds

Telling a friend or family member that you have been arrested can be scary and embarrassing. You have to admit to a loved one that you made a huge mistake, and hope that they can forgive you and help you out. As hard as it is may be to come clean about your arrest, you […]

Get Friendly and Affordable Bail Help

Visalia Bail Bonds

If you have a friend or family member who was recently arrested and you want to bail him or her out, you are probably going to need help. Most people cannot afford to pay the large price of the bail by themselves, which is why they turn to bail bond companies. At Visalia Bail Bond […]