Monthly Archives: May 2015

5 Mistakes To Avoid When Posting Bail

When you’re getting out of jail on a bail bond, you want to make sure everything goes smoothly. You’ve hit enough bumps in your road to get where you are. Avoid these 5 mistakes and your bail bond will post immediately with no trouble: Neglecting consequences of skipping bail. You’re warned that if you don’t […]

The Pros And Cons Of Cash Bonds And Bail Bond Store

The only way to get out of jail to live at home before and during your trial is to post bail. Now, there are two options for posting bail: paying in cash, or using a bail bond. Let’s explore the pros and cons of each: CASH BAIL: Pros: No third party involved with your bail. […]

The FBI Contacted Me And I’m Freaking Out. What Do I Do?

If the FBI contacts you, of course you’re going to be freaking out! Try to remain calm and poised. You don’t need to give them any more reason to be suspicious of you. What you should do is get a lawyer. Let the FBI know you do not want to answer any of their questions […]

Responsibilities Of A Cosigner

If you have no problem being persistent, direct, and honest with a loved one when absolutely necessary, then perhaps being a loved one’s cosigner is for you. What we mean is that if someone you know gets arrested, and they contact Fresno Bail Bond Store Services for a bail agent, the bail agent may need […]

Why Out-Of-State Arrests Are More Troublesome

What’s more challenging than getting arrest for a crime is getting arrested in a state you do not reside in. State has jurisdiction, meaning they can prosecute any crime that occurs in that state. So, if you are a California resident visiting Texas, and you are involved in some incident or crime and are arrested, […]

Exercise Your Right To Bail

Bail exists to uphold the “innocent until proven guilty” protection. This means that a recently arrested person who has yet to stand in court can go about their regular lives during their days between arrest and court. They can go to work, to school, spend time with family and friends, etc. By posting bail, they […]

I’ve Heard The Term “Citizens Arrest.” What Does That Mean?

You may have heard the term “citizens arrest” before and you probably wondered what that meant. The police arrest people. Citizens don’t have that authority. But, in certain and uncommon situations, private individuals can have that power to arrest another without a warrant. Here’s how a citizens arrest works: If a person has very strong […]

The Different Categories Of Crime

Crimes are categorized into infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. Infractions are harmless crimes like traffic tickets, littering, and graffiti. Offenders must pay fines or perform community service for violations. Misdemeanors are crimes like theft and some physical assaults and offenders are generally punished with a fine, community service, or up to a year in jail. Felonies […]

Why Bail Helps With Jail Population Control

America does not have the room or funds to keep every arrested person in jail. That’s very unfortunate to think about – we have THAT many criminals? It is also not fair to those who are truly innocent of a crime to be kept in custody. Remember “innocent until proven guilty?” To try and regulate […]

Dos And Don’ts When You Are Arrested

You probably would know that it is best to have a lawyer when you are arrested. And if you know that, then you probably know not to speak to anyone else other than your lawyer about your case. There are many more wise dos and don’ts when it comes to an arrest that can greatly […]