Tag Archives: corcoran bail bonds

No Special Treatment At Corcoran Bail Bond Store

Corcoran Bail Bonds

For quality bail bond service you can rely on, call 559-237-1054 Celebrities often get special and favored treatment, but when it comes to cracking down on serious matters where the police are involved, that special treatment isn’t so special anymore. Celebrities get arrested for violating and committing crimes just like everyone else does. But they […]

Millennials, Social Media, And Jail

Hey all you social media-loving millennials with quick-texting fingers! How thoughtful are you when it comes to posting content on your personal social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat? Are you as careful about posting content as you are about publishing private information like personal address and phone number online? Did you know […]

Corcoran Bail Bond Store Is the Best In California

The best bail agents in town (or should we say state) are at Corcoran Bail Bond Store. Our bail agents are licensed in this profession, but are overqualified compared to the basic level requirements expected of a professional bail bond agent. Friendly, reliable, trustworthy, sympathetic, affirmative, hopeful, dedicated – these are traits that are found […]

Federal Vs. State Court: The Differences

There are different types of court, but here we focus on the Federal and State court systems. Most crimes are heard in state court. These are crimes we commonly, immediately think of (probably because we hear about them the most) such as arson, theft, rape and murder, etc. These crimes are investigated by state agents […]

Keep In Mind You Can Use Tax Returns For Bail

As you’re filing your taxes for 2015, you’re probably groaning because it’s just a reminder of all the money the government takes from you. Perhaps you could have gone on a mini vacation. You could have invested it or put it into a savings account. You could have purchased a nice gift for someone. But […]

Tax Returns Can Be Used Towards Bail

A tax refund is the difference between the taxes that an individual has paid and the taxes that the individual owes. There are times when individuals will need to pay additional taxes in April, but there are also times when individuals receive a tax return from the government. They receive a tax return because they […]